A dedicated space for academic research publications, reports, and journal articles across the fields of public health, sociology, sport, and recreation.
- Type
Original Research
- Published Journal of Physical Activity and Health
- Location
Qualitative Insights on the Importance of Sociocultural Contexts on Asian Indian Migrant Participation in Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior
Keywords: contexts; culture, health promotion; migration; social determinants
- Type
Original Research
- Published BMC Public Health
- Location
A Qualitative Exploration of Perspectives of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Among Indian Migrants in Melbourne, Australia: How Are They Defined and What Can We Learn?
This paper describes how physical activity and sedentary behaviours are defined, and how cultural background and migration shape these definitions
Keywords: migrants, perspectives, holistic, qualitative
- Type
Research Report
- Organization
Sport New Zealand - Audience: Policymakers, Health-promotion practitioners, Advocates
- Target Population: Indian – Adults, Children, and Families.
- Location
New Zealand
A Report for New Zealand’s Indian Immigrant Participation in Sport and Physical Activity, Auckland.
- Type
Research Article
- Keywords
Brain-body, Plasticity, Health.
Dissect Your Mind With Dance: A Holistic Viewpoint
Ever wondered what happens in your mind while dancing? Can rhythm and movement unlock thoughts that words can’t express? Think about this: how often have you unconsciously tapped your feet to a beat? Is that just a physical reaction, or could your mind be speaking in a language without words? And when we watch a dance performance, does the observer’s brain undergo the same transformations as the dancer’s?
- Type
- Published
Auckland University of Technology - Location
New Zealand
When Culture Speaks: Indian Immigrant Participation in Sport and Physical Activity
The first research study investigating Asian Indian immigrant the participation experiences in sport and physical activity. Unpacking neighbourhoods, multiculturalism, and evolving social mindset and beliefs as key influences in New Zealand.
Keywords: neighbourhoods, multiculturalism, sociocultural determinants, family, qualitative, insider-research